Why Sell FSBO, and why choose For Sale By Owner Connecticut FSBO CT
Now that we've gotten past the point of being guilted in to listing with a full-priced "someone" here's a bit more about us... With our CT For Sale By Owner FSBO program your property will appear in more places than with a "regular" full-price agent. You'll reach all the buyers working with Buyer's Agents through your listing in CT MLS (the Multiple Listing Service that all agents use), and buyers who are searching to buy their next house FSBO on their own without an agent. That's more buyers than an expensive agent has access to.
Our clients repeatedly tell us they receive more hand holding and service from us than they have in the past with an expensive full-price agent. And we are not a List 'Em and Dump 'Em flat fee listing service. We pride ourselves in walking our sellers through the entire process. That's why we've been in business over 35 years! Check out our reviews to see what our CT FSBO sellers think.
And think about the savings... for very little if any extra work you can save tens of thousands of dollars when you sell For Sale By Owner. Is your home worth $350,000? An expensive full-price agent will cost you $17,500 - $21,000. With our CT FSBO program you pay 0 - $10,500 depending on if the buyer has an agent or not. Wow! That's savings of $10,500 - $21,000! You can do the math on your value...
- Value x .05 or .06 (depending on what the full-price agency offers, and regardless of whether the buyer has an agent or not) = Commission with a full-price agent.
- Value x 0 (if the buyer doesn't have an agent) or .03 (if the buyer has an agent) = Commission through our CT FSBO program.
Think of how you can spend that extra money!
Is selling For Sale By Owner more work? Honestly it may be just a little speck more work (but only a speck!), but the savings are worth it.
If you list with an expensive full-price agent you still need to:
- Prepare your home for sale
- Keep it tidy for showings never knowing when they'll occur
- Decide how much you will settle for
- Hire an attorney for your closing
- Pack
- Move
If you sell with us what work will you need to do?
- You will fill out the listing forms (but it's super easy, and easier than sitting answering an agent's questions about your house!).
- You will handle confirming appointments (but that is easier than keeping your home spotless all the time because now you know when someone is coming). This is automated and super simple.
- You will complete the disclosure forms (you would do this anyway!).
- You DO NOT have to show your property to the buyers who have agents just as an expensive full-priced agent wouldn't be present at all showings if you list with one. You WILL show your property to For Sale By Owner FSBO buyers not represented by an agent, but the savings will be tremendous for just a little work.
- Obviously there are great financial benefits. Take the value of your property and multiple it by .03 to find your minimum commission savings, and by .06 to find your maximum commission savings. You'll be floored to see how much you'll save, and disgusted to realize how much an agent charges!
- You will be in the loop regarding showings and buyer's interest in your property. No more wondering what the heck is going on.
- You will feel assured that no one is speaking on your behalf and perhaps not conveying what you said fully or accurately. Remember the Telephone Game from your childhood? What you say to your agent may be quite different than what is told to the buyer.
- And remember we're just a phone call, text, or email away to help with whatever you need to get your home sold with our CT For Sale By Owner FSBO program.